Hosting mini-concerts at UB Free Arts Psychotherapy and Counselling is a great way for us to meet new people and have fun with music in a safe and fun environment! On June 4th, we held a Country & Western themed mini-concert that was enjoyed by both staff members and visitors.
Geoffrey played 5 songs on his guitar and Ian ably assisted. It’s always a joy to hear Geoffrey and experience the passion he has for his music.
After Geoffrey and Ian wowed everyone with their concert opening, Bryan sang “I Saw the Light”. The ever-faithful Robbie backed him on guitar and it was truly a joy.
But what’s a mini-concert without a friendly competition for the “Best Dressed”? As you can see, hats were big this day and the competition was heating up. So, Cowboys and Cowgirls, who do you think won?
Alison was graciously invited to be the judge for our friendly little get-together and it was the man in black, Bryan, who won!
Carol, Director at UB Free, was more than happy to hand over the $20 Eftpos voucher as first prize. What a nice way to cap off an afternoon of music, singing, and socialising.
Of course, no-one went away empty-handed. All of the other hat wearing participants received a small gift in the form of a tiny music box that played a tune, such as “Imagine” or “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”.
All in all, the Country & Western themed mini-concert was fun, warm, happy, and engaging. We enjoy organising these concerts because they give us a way to give back to our local community, meet new people, and have great fun. We’re sure the next special event isn’t too far way!